Followed The Geek On 2014? Too Bad If Not, Because You Could Have Made $18,000

Recap of 2014 Trading With the Geek Account. We Had a Good Year!

Binary options social trading is leading traders to profits. The Geek Account is the leading source of free binary options signals and social binary trading.


Looking Back At A Year Of Binary Options Social Trading, man what a year it has been. I got so excited looking back over my results that I couldn’t wait for December to end before I recapped them for you. Not to worry though, based on my results I have made some predictions for December but you will have to read down to the bottom to find out what they are. This past year I really began to embrace social trading. It really has helped me a lot and I have grown to enjoy trading the Geek Account more and more with each passing week. The Geek Account has taught me to appreciate all the things I have learned about trading; technical analysis, signals, rules, money management and diversification. Best of all it has helped me to detach myself from emotional trading that up until recently was a theory I spouted without fully understanding the meaning.



My Top Lesson Learned This Year

This year my top lesson learned was emotional detachment and the effectiveness of money management. You know, leaving fear and greed behind, trading with cold emotion. What I learned is more of a realization of how it works, noticing that I was doing it in a way that has allowed me to fully embrace its meaning and move on with trading free of emotional conflict. Let me elaborate. February of this year was my first losing month, for real. Up until then I had managed to at least break even if not actually make some profits. This month however I lost a total of 11 trades, out of 20, and produced a net loss -15% of investment. Click here to read my recap of February trades.


The thing is, I didn’t know I was a net loser. I was active that month, and the precious month, and had several one month expiries in play. At one time I had over 20 trades open at one time which may sound like a lot but since I only trade small amounts its not so bad. At no time did I realize I was a net loser for the month because there was so much rotation in the account, I made my five trades each week, with no thought to my losing streak, and kept on trading. I didn’t find out until after the end of the month when I analyzed my account, and by then it didn’t matter because I was back on track with above average profits. So, to sum it up, my lessons learned this year are that 1) money management works, it allows you to make plenty of trades and gives you plenty of chances for your strategy and system to work 2) there is real freedom in emotional detachment, and that comes from making lots of small trades, all in line with your strategy, with more focus on long term results than with individual wins and losses.




Results For 2014 (Drum Rolls) 24% ROI and $18,000!

My results for 2014 are pretty good, if based on 11 months of data. Not all months were good, but on average all months were great and I have no expectations of that changing for the worse. My worst month of trading was actually two months; February and April. These two months both had net losses of -15%. The next worse month was October which turned out to be a wash, 0% gains, 0% losses. After that every other month produced profits. The best month was May, the market was breaking out to new highs and about to extend the long term trend, currencies were moving, oil was surging and gold was sinking under its own weight….and I made 70.5% return on investment. On average, my returns for the year are 22.93% of investment. That means, based on my standard trade size of $300 and 260 trades this year, that the Geek Account netted close to $18,000 in profits.




My Predictions For December 2014

Being a trader and interested in numbers I have been able to make some predictions for December. Based on the last 11 months of data I have profited 72.7% of the time, giving December a high probability for profits. My average profits are 22.93% each month with the mean of 11 months just above 24%, which indicates high likelihood that December will be in the range of 20-24% with that range extended out to +/- 9 to account for deviation. On the flipside, I have only broken even or lost money 27.3% of the time, making a loss in December unlikely. Additionally, average losses are only 10% so any losses that do accrue will be small, and easily overcome in the coming months.

 What happens on December


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