How to Afford Your Own Private Jet! The BinaryProfi Scam EXPOSED!

How to Afford Your Own Private Jet! The BinaryProfi Scam Watch

Dreaming of one day buying your own private jet? Don’t want to work hard or spend too much cash to make that dream come true? Then the BinaryProfi might be just the service you need… to teach you how delusional you are! The person behind the BinarProfi is another signal seller, or let’s just be honest and call him for what he is: just another snake oil salesman, charlatan and binary scam artist. What do you get? Fake testimonials, unbelievable claims meant to inflame your greed, edited videos with closed comment and recommendations for brokers that suck. All in one nice little “free” package … if or course you make a deposit to one of his recommended brokers.


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The BinaryProfi – The New Cult Leader of Scams!

What is profi? Did he forget the “T” in profit, or is it a fancy way of writing prophet. If so it might explain why I got so many hits about cult leaders when searching for the BinaryProfi. Whichever the case, I think it’s so hilarious how similar these scammers and Gurus are to cult leaders. Well done YouTube for doing the mocking for me! So who is this Guru of the BinaryProfi? According to his website, he is a 45 old guy named Frankie and he is Dutch. He claims his system will win 85-90% of the time, 3000$ a week or 500$ a day and the good old: “In a month’s time I will buy a private jet from my profits. I didn’t even spend the whole day on my computer as I got busy with my other business.” can be found in the testimonials that most definitely were written by himself or his friends. I guess the “I got busy with my other business” part could be true, the “other” business is the ripping you off business because this is obviously a scam. He could be busy curing diseases and bringing people back from the dead but if that is the case how does he have time to scam on the internet?



When you see the Cherry, You better hurry!

What a nice slogan, give me a few seconds to admire myself for coming up with that. Lately, whenever I see a scam site, I also find out that they are affiliated with In the case of BinaryProfi, they have at least a few legit brokerages in their list but the cherry is always their ally. So when you see the Cherry, you better hurry… and get the hell out of there!

What is so special with his system? Nothing. You don’t get much detail. Surprisingly, maybe not, he doesn’t share any info about his system. In the videos you can see he uses Bollinger bands with stochastic oscillator and RSI, you are supposed to take a trade every time it gives you a signal (arrows) based on M1 charts. The arrows are repainting except for the blue ones (he claims) and those are rare. The business idea here is to get you to deposit with a broker so he can make money when you lose thanks to his scam BinaryProfi – plain and simple. I’ve said this before and I will keep repeating myself; forget about arrows, there are no magic indicators or arrows that can predict the future!

BinaryProfi suck

What is so special with his system? Nothing. You don’t get much detail. Surprisingly, maybe not, he doesn’t share any info about his system. In the videos you can see he uses Bollinger bands with stochastic oscillator and RSI, you are supposed to take a trade every time it gives you a signal (arrows) based on M1 charts. The arrows are repainting except for the blue ones (he claims) and those are rare. The business idea here is to get you to deposit with a broker so he can make money when you lose thanks to his scam BinaryProfi – plain and simple. I’ve said this before and I will keep repeating myself; forget about arrows, there are no magic indicators or arrows that can predict the future!



Not a Prophet but I Can Prophesize

Since we are discussing Gurus, cult leaders and prophets, allow me to me give you my own prophecy of what’s about to come if you are foolish enough to think his system will work. Hmm… let me close my eyes and tell you about my vision. I see a blown account, the balance used to be 500$ and now, there’s only 50$ remaining and Cherrytrade doesn’t even allow you to withdraw that tiny amount. I see a Dutch guy, sitting on a dyke, laughing in a very irritating manner, holding lots of dollar bills in his hand, running to the bank.


Yep, that’s pretty much how it will end for you. I don’t see you drinking champagne in the back of your jet plane surrounded with chicks. So don’t get your hopes up, those testimonials are fake, the results in the videos are edited and carefully selected. You can make profits with correct market knowledge and that comes with working hard and learning. Try our binary options school or go to the forum if you want signals from real traders!